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Innovative ideas for the built environment for Active and Healthy Ageing

Dutch Hospital Design becomes member of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing

Since May 19th 2015 Dutch Hospital Design has become an official member of the European partnership for innovation on active and healthy ageing.
Action Group (D4) on Innovation for age friendly buildings, cities and environments is one of the action groups under the EIP on AHA programme. It is an assembly of partners committing to work on specific issues relating to ageing, by sharing the knowledge and expertise with their peers, giving added value to their national and local experience and identifying gaps that need to be fulfilled at European level. The mission and tasks are divided into four Action Areas:

  1. Implementing Polices and Practices for Regions, Cities and Communities
  2. Networks Promoting an EU Covenant on Demographic Change
  3. The Spatial Context
  4. ICT and Smart Environments

Because of their expertise and special profile on healthcare Dutch Hospital Design has been requested to join the European Innovation Partnership in order to exchance innovative ideas for a better future for elderly in Europe.


Architecture, Work innovation