What is more important than being healthy? And if your health is not perfect, healthcare organizations will do all they can to make you healthy again. It is common knowledge that organizations perform much better if they work in well-designed facilities. ‘The best facilities for the best healthcare.’ To design those facilities, Dutch Hospital Design understands both your organization and developments in healthcare and society.
Some of the latter include preventative healthcare instead of damage control, concepts about front and back doors, increasing lifespans, increasing long-term care for chronic illnesses, cost efficiency, hospitals within a patient-centred network, scarce human resources (work smarter, not harder), social involvement, healing environment and working environment, e-health and so on.
Healthcare facility design
These healthcare developments force us to think of sophisticated concepts when designing future-proof healthcare facilities, since they impact strongly on what the building should offer. There are two basic sides to the challenges: a very rational side and a very emotional one. They require efficient facilities set in an attractive, personal and natural setting. Moreover, they require the right balance between standardization and tailor-made facilities.
Thinking in this way, Dutch Hospital Design is ready to design for today’s spatial demands based on medical procedures and to create flexible facilities that can accommodate future innovations.
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