Healing Environment
Reducing stress by embracing daylight and introducing vistas to the surrounding landscapes, in which nature plays a significant role, has a positive influence on the recovery of patients.
Healing environment design
Nature is healthy. Everybody enjoys a stroll through greenery now and again. Research has shown that not only being in nature, but also looking at nature benefits our health. We take that into consideration in the siting of a building. The relationship between inside and outside frames particular views, determines how much daylight penetrates the building and defines how much visual contact there is between the building and its surroundings and the people engaged in activities outdoors.
These views of beautifully designed outdoor spaces invite use, encourage people outside, and stimulate a desire to be outdoors. Then the building itself. Orientation in a hospital is often difficult, especially in a large building. As an example, uncertainly about which route to follow creates stress and lowers one’s ability to absorb the words of the doctor. But what is even more important is to design a good environment for staff to work pleasantly, so that they can concentrate their efforts on the wellbeing of patients.
Dutch Hospital Design offers the possibility to use a Healing Environment design chart, that helps to discuss and analyze all aspects of designing a healing environment.
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