We can draw on vast expertise in the area of climate services, electricity and lighting, measurement and regulation systems, fire safety, communication and ICT systems. Not only up-to-date know-how but also insight into the future. That enables us to elaborate a Next Generation Hospital. Establishing a solid basis in the analysis and concept phases enables us to develop a hospital that is flexible enough to accommodate all imaginable future changes. Flexible services lengthen the lifespan of hospital property and enhance its value.
Sustainability in design
A sustainable hospital is the result of an integral design process. All disciplines are of equal stature in these processes. The main consideration is always to select those solutions that have minimum impact on the environment. Through creativity and belief in the future of our planet, we even develop solutions that enhance the environment. Buildings that generate energy and facades and roofs that purify the air are just some of the possibilities of a Next Generation Hospital. The full use of Building Information Modelling as a tool and the right organization and mindset of all people involved means that a sustainable hospital is no longer a utopian dream.
Maintaining that mindset during the construction and use of the hospital results in a highly sustainable hospital and a healthier environment for man and beast.
Contact: Theo de Boer, M&E designer
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